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So apparently Shane is smarter than we thought

Hmmm, So I go to pick him up at daycare yesterday and he is bouncing away in his bouncy. This would be the same bouncy that he flipped over and fell out of. Gotta love daycare. Anyways, he was bouncing like I have never seen a kid bounce before. So much that it was making me sick. Veronice tells me that he bounces like that all the time when he's drinking his bottle. Umm, what? You don't hold him? You sit next to him and hold his bottle while he bounces like a circus freak? Apparently he holds his own bottle. He doesn't do that at home. Great, he has become my husband at a much earlier age than I had previously anticipated. Why do for yourself what you know Mommy will do for you anyways? This is the school of thought that my husband has been raised on :) So, I go to feed Shane his bottle last night and I just let go, and to my surprise, he holds it. And does just fine I might add, like he's been doing it for years. Now maybe if I stop cleaning the house.....


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