I’m a mom. A happy mom, a sad mom, a confused and lost mom, a day late and a dollar short mom. I feel all the feels, all the time. My kids were young when I called my middle sister crying. This is my ‘make it all better’ sister. Motherhood was kicking my ass, double time. Her kids at the time were teenagers. As always, she listened to me fall apart, and when I was done she calmly said ‘listen pal, it doesn’t get easier, it gets different’. What the hell? Hello! I am calling for encouragement, not this shit. If I wanted advice with no value I’d go ask one of my friends who doesn’t have kids, or the dog. I don’t remember what happened next, but I’m pretty predictable. I’m guessing I called my oldest sister, to talk about the weather and working into the convo, super casually, I would mention the advice I had just been given. She in turn would have said ‘we’ve all been there Heidi Linds...
I read an article recently on being a mom. About how all moms are the same. We are all incredibly blessed to have been given the chance to love another human so deeply it hurts. There is nothing that can prepare you for being a mom. The connection you feel towards your child. It is unexpected, joyous, overwhelming. Being a mother is the hardest job in the world. It doesn't matter what kind of mom you are. Whether you gave birth to your children, or you adopted. Moms who have sick babies or healthy babies. Moms who are pregnant with their first or moms who recently lost a baby. Moms of children with differences. Older moms and teenage moms. Your status, your social standing, your religion. None of it matters. Moms are moms all across the world. So why do we hate each other? Shocked that I said that? We all do it. In different ways. I remember coming back to work from matern...